

Hours Logged This Year


Hours Logged All Years


Gilmour Academy students are asked to demonstrate mastery of a multitude of skills and knowledge prior to graduation. Perhaps topmost among them is leadership.

Leaders are not always the most outspoken, the most aggressive or the bravest. Rather, they are the ones who do what is right and who give selflessly in their quest to do so. Responding to the Gilmour Academy mission to develop the competence to see and the courage to act in creating a more humane and just society, our seniors are asked to articulate this lofty goal through the development and completion of the Senior Capstone Project.

As the high school experience draws to a close, each senior must propose a project with educational significance in which the student becomes an expert in the task, hones their leadership skills and inspires others to action or reflection. It should be viewed as both a challenge and an opportunity, a chance to be a part of a rewarding experience that broadens the mind and enriches society. Some examples of prior project topics include: ethical treatment of animals confined in zoos, how judges’ own biases affect case outcomes, Cleveland’s appeal to the film industry, a day in the physician’s operating room, and more.

Assistance from advisors and mentors will be offered throughout the year to select and refine project ideas and plans. In the final weeks of school, seniors are excused from classes to focus on and complete their projects, and public presentations are made shortly before Commencement.

You will be placed in this path if the project you're considering involves the creation of an original work.
This pathway is for seniors looking to shadow a professional and learn more about a career.
This rarely used Senior Project is for those students interested in diving deep into an academic subject.
You will be placed into this Senior Project pathway if your project has a philanthropic focus.

As an accredited independent Catholic school in Northeast Ohio, Gilmour Academy is unique in its ability to teach the whole child. Students are prepared—not just academically but also personally and spiritually—to discover the person they’re called to be.

Founded in 1946 by the Brothers of Holy Cross, Gilmour empowers students of all faiths to ask tough questions, think critically and grow spiritually. Through religious studies, social service, and an emphasis on leadership, students from 18 months to 18 years emerge with a strong moral compass and sense of purpose, ready to apply their talents to making the world a more just and humane place.


Name Path Mentor Advisor Progress
Katherine Puletti (24) Observation Kennedy Clyde
Arianna DiMenna (22) Observation Shelly Clary Kathy Kenny
Desiree Smith (22) Observation Iain Kalfas Kathy Kenny
Nicholas Hayslip (24) Creativity Kevin Stein
Natalie Figurella (23) Observation Gena Page Beth Fleming
Amaris Doty (23) Service Amaris Doty (23) Jeff Klein
Cedric Li (24) Creativity
wonjun yun (25) Observation Phil Huynh Becky Reidy