Natalie Figurella (23)'s Senior Project
Posted to Glave on 2023-05-23T11:53:14Z
Today we went to Knuths, another store that she sells jewelry at- also where my mom works! Here, we made more Instagram content, and rearranged the jewelry that was already there.
Posted to Glave on 2023-05-18T18:09:50Z
Posted to Glave on 2023-05-19T11:44:25Z
Today we prepared to take some things to City Goods tomorrow. This included picking out necklaces tailored to the interests of the particular audience, filling out multiple spreadsheets, tagging and coding necklaces, and packaging them.
Posted to Glave on 2023-05-17T13:04:47Z
Today, I put together a lot more necklaces using jump rings, and I also learned how she finishes off necklaces with clamps and clasps. She also let me repurpose a necklace charm that had broken off a necklace I had.
Posted to Glave on 2023-05-17T12:58:59Z
Today, I put a ton of necklaces together using jump rings. This process takes a lot of time and patience to get it just right, but after a while i got the hang of it, and its really rewarding to see how the whole thing comes together.
Posted to Glave on 2023-05-17T13:01:00Z
Today, Gena and I went downtown to City Goods, which is a little area in Ohio City where she sells jewelry. Here we rearranged the jewelry and tables in a more appealing way to customers and restocked everything. Once we were done doing that, the other girl working with Gena for a senior project and I made some Instagram content to help Gena get more publicity.
Posted to Glave on 2023-05-15T13:19:31Z
After going to the store yesterday, Gena realized that she needed much more jewelry and longer chains on the existing stock. With this, we filled out a spreadsheet in the morning with all the new stock and then took it to the store. We also brought a chain to put longer extenders on the necklaces she had because she realized she didn't like the placement when put on. We then tagged everything we brought and worked on displaying it in a way that was pleasing and eye-catching.
Posted to Glave on 2023-05-11T02:40:12Z
Today, I beaded a couple more necklaces, and then we went down into Chagrin Falls to a store where Gena sells her jewelry. At the store, she had me and the other girl doing her senior project with Gena modeling the jewelry she made, and taking pictures for her Instagram. We were able to see how customers shop her jewlery and what sells and what doesn't.
Posted to Glave on 2023-05-11T02:37:31Z
Today, I beaded many necklaces and learned how to work with some of the metals she uses to make necklaces. I also just got a feel for what Gena does, as well as saw her running her business in action.
Posted to Glave on 2023-05-11T02:34:21Z
Posted to Glave on 2023-04-13T17:16:37Z
Posted to Glave on 2023-03-24T16:56:27Z
Posted to Glave on 2023-03-12T22:47:03Z
Gilmour Academy
Gates Mills, OH
34001 Cedar Road
Gates Mills, OH 44040
March 1st, 2023
Gena Page
Gena Page Designs
Dear Gena,
Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be able to be a part of such an amazing experience, especially one that reflects my interests so much. I am a senior at Gilmour, and I am very active in sports, like tennis, swimming, and lacrosse. I also love art, and I am in a textiles and jewelry class right now learning how to sew and make jewelry.
Over the course of my 40 hours between May 8 -16, I will be available to help you do whatever you need me to do, and I would love to learn how you run your business! I have always loved making art, and I love to put together fun stacks of necklaces and earrings to create ways to express myself with jewelry. I’m looking forward to any ways that you can help me during my project as I undergo the career exploration path as a learner, observer, helper, and creator. My essential question is: “How can I combine my love for art with my career interest in business?”
To fulfill my requirements at Gilmour, please note that I need the mentor's approval of this plan. As my mentor, your verification of my 40-hour log will also be required once the experience has been completed. If you have questions or would like to make suggestions for adjustments, you have my number and my email.
We will be using a website called Glave to administer this Senior Project. If you are willing to serve as my mentor, look for an email with the subject, Welcome to Glave. Once you click on the link from that email, you'll set a password. After that, you will be taken to a dashboard page where you can accept the invitation to serve as my mentor. As I log time during my project, you'll receive additional emails asking you to validate the time. Please let me know if you run into any problems while using Glave.
I look forward to working with you this May; I know this experience will be incredibly valuable to my future.
Natalie Figurella, GA Class of 2023
Posted to Glave on 2023-03-07T15:19:56Z
I am going to shadow Gena Pages' jewelry business. I will learn how she makes her jewelry, but also how she sells it to stores in the Cleveland area. She is an entrepreneur as well as an artist, and this will help me in the future because those are my two interests combined.
Title of Project (this should be unique to your topic)
Jewelry and self-expression
Paragraph description of what you will do during your 40-hour project.
I will shadow a woman named Gena Page, who makes and sells jewelry locally. I found her through my mom, as she works at one of the boutiques Genas art is sold at. I want to learn how she runs a small business, while also making art because those are my two interests in college.
How does the project connect to the Gilmour mission?
The project arose from my love for textiles and jewelry, which I found partly through the class at Gilmour. Although we haven’t worked with jewelry this year yet, I have always had a love for jewelry and fashion accessories, so I am hoping to take what I have learned in this class and use it to my advantage for my senior project and later on in life as well.
What led you to propose this project?
It connects to the Gilmour mission because it will help me figure out a future career. It It may not help anyone, but it will help me express my artistic side while also helping others express themselves while they wear my jewelry.
Who is the mentor that you will observe? (This person will certify that you have completed the required 40 hours.)
Gena Page
What is your proposed mentor’s email address?
If something were to fall through, I would be able to take a creativity pathway and start an Etsy business selling sweatshirts I make on my circuit machines.
Do you have additional questions or concerns for the committee as we review this project?
Posted to Glave on 2023-02-16T16:51:49Z
Natalie Figurella (23)
Gilmour Academy class of 2023
Gates Mills, OH
Gilmour Academy
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