JP Loeser Service Reflection
Senior Reflection

Please see the video sent through email to view my video submission. 

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Betsy Tietjen approves John Paul Loeser (24)'s "Senior Reflection". Now complete!
Senior Reflection

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Volunteer at St. Francis Festival
6.0 hrs Service Hours

At the beginning of the summer, I had the opportunity to volunteer at the St. Francis of Assisi Festival, helping serve food and drinks. During this 6-hour experience, I also helped other stations with their operation. I enjoyed helping my church community and old grade school and participating in a long-time tradition. The proceeds that were raised were given to the church helping maintain a strong community for years to come. 

Are the service hours you completed COMPETENCE HOURS (learning about social justice issues) or COURAGE HOURS (direct or indirect service to others)?


Which Gilmour charism (Divine Providence, Forgiveness, Hope, Hospitality, Inclusiveness, Option for the Poor, The Cross, Zeal) did you best live out through your service experience? Please explain.

I best lived out the charism of hospitality as I helped welcome outsiders into our community celebration as well as help long-time supporters enjoy their experience. 

Would you try this service experience again? Why or why not?

Yes, I would do this service again, as I enjoy giving back to my community as well as helping serve friends and family. 

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Ice Cream Social Greeter
1.0 hrs Service Hours

Yesterday, members of the LHS community helped welcome incoming families to the school during the ice cream social. Mainly we were holding open doors and directing families to their seats in the theater, but it was also an opportunity to talk to the incoming students and make them feel welcomed into their new environment. Being able to be a part of the community by welcoming families allows me to live out charisms that the school promotes as well as represent the student body in a positive light. 

Are the service hours you completed COMPETENCE HOURS (learning about social justice issues) or COURAGE HOURS (direct or indirect service to others)?


Which Gilmour charism (Divine Providence, Forgiveness, Hope, Hospitality, Inclusiveness, Option for the Poor, The Cross, Zeal) did you best live out through your service experience? Please explain.

I best lived out the charism of hospitality due to the fact that I was welcoming the incoming families into the school making sure there was a representative from the student body to be there. Having students welcome incoming families allows them to see us living out the charisms that Gilmour promotes. 

Would you try this service experience again? Why or why not?

Yes, any LHS or welcoming events are amazing experiences to be a part of the community. 

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Helped with Welcome Event for the Class of 27'
2.0 hrs Service Hours

Last Wednesday, members of the Lancer Heritage Society, myself included, took part in helping set up and work the event welcoming the incoming freshman class. During this time, I helped set up the gym for activities, as well as direct traffic, and speak on behalf of the VECTOR program, informing the incoming parents about all of the ways in which VECTOR has helped me develop ideas on my possible carrier path. The experience started at 6, and I stayed beyond the hour-and-a-half time slot that I signed up for in order to continue to help. 

Are the service hours you completed COMPETENCE HOURS (learning about social justice issues) or COURAGE HOURS (direct or indirect service to others)?


Which Gilmour charism (Divine Providence, Forgiveness, Hope, Hospitality, Inclusiveness, Option for the Poor, The Cross, Zeal) did you best live out through your service experience? Please explain.

I lived out hospitality by being a welcoming voice for Gilmour Academy, as well as answering any questions that parents and students had. Being an example to represent our school makes the charism of Hospitality shown through my experience. 

Would you try this service experience again? Why or why not?

Yes, and welcoming events, or events run through the Lancer Heritage Society, I enjoy helping out with, and I would definitely do it again

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After Betsy Tietjen approved John Paul Loeser (24)'s hours, "Service Hours" is complete.
Service Hours

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Reflection of John Ryu's homily
20.0 hrs Service Hours

During the summer of 2021, my family and I took part in an experience that at first, I wasn't looking forward to. Our Parish, St. Francis of Assisi, was welcoming a new pastor from Korea, to practice his homily speeches in the form of after-homily reflections. Our job was to meet with Father John Ryu after mass and discuss the content of his reflection, as well as provide constructive criticisms in order to help him reach the entire audience. After hearing him speak for the first time, I was actually really excited to get to not only know him better but also be able to really reflect on the messages of the Gospel, which I never really paid attention to. Saying that I was impressed with Father John Ryu's speeches would be a major understatement. For someone who speaks English as a second language, he was very articulate and was even able to compare aspects of our American culture to aspects of his own. Being able to help a new pastor and welcome him into a new community has been an experience that I am grateful for, and look forward to participating again a few summers from now. 

Are the service hours you completed COMPETENCE HOURS (learning about social justice issues) or COURAGE HOURS (direct or indirect service to others)?


Which Gilmour charism (Divine Providence, Forgiveness, Hope, Hospitality, Inclusiveness, Option for the Poor, The Cross, Zeal) did you best live out through your service experience? Please explain.

I lived out the Charism of Hospitality, as I helped welcome someone from another country into our church community. Also, the deeper reflection of the messages of the homily expresses competence. 

Would you try this service experience again? Why or why not?

Yes, I would absolutely love to do this experience again. Being able to help this new member of our community grow in faith and strength in speaking, has positively impacted me, and I would love to help Father John Ryu again. 

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Tour guide for families at the open house
4.0 hrs Service Hours

Last Sunday I was a student ambassador for Gilmour Academy during the open house. I welcomed families into the school at the CPA in the morning and helped them find name tags and registration. After the parent meeting with Dr. T, I gave my first tour of the day to a family I knew well. It was a fantastic experience to promote the school and talk about everything we offer. After my first tour, I was asked to give another tour to a family that I didn't know. I appreciated the opportunity to have an unbiased view of the school and be able to answer more in-depth questions. 

Are the service hours you completed COMPETENCE HOURS (learning about social justice issues) or COURAGE HOURS (direct or indirect service to others)?


Which Gilmour charism (Divine Providence, Forgiveness, Hope, Hospitality, Inclusiveness, Option for the Poor, The Cross, Zeal) did you best live out through your service experience? Please explain.

I best expressed hospitality as I was welcoming families into the school. 

Would you try this service experience again? Why or why not?

Yes, I would definitely do this again. I loved being able to use my voice and express how the school ahs helped me in so many ways. 

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Student Ambassador for Noble Academy
2.0 hrs Service Hours

Last night, 10/19/2022, I represented Gilmour as a Student Ambassador at an event at Noble Academy in South Euclid. During the event, two other Gilmour students and I answered questions for parents and students interested in looking at Gilmour as a potential high school option. The event was a fantastic way to connect with others from different communities and display all of the amazing qualities that our school has to offer. I was even able to take the center stage at the event and talk about my personal experience throughout my two-and-a-half years here at Gilmour. Overall I appreciate the opportunity to meet the future of our school and make them feel welcomed and wanted in our environment. 

Are the service hours you completed COMPETENCE HOURS (learning about social justice issues) or COURAGE HOURS (direct or indirect service to others)?


Which Gilmour charism (Divine Providence, Forgiveness, Hope, Hospitality, Inclusiveness, Option for the Poor, The Cross, Zeal) did you best live out through your service experience? Please explain.

I believe that I lived out the charism of hospitality through my service experience as I welcomed new people into our school environment, as well as becoming an advocate for the quality of the school itself. 

Would you try this service experience again? Why or why not?

Yes, I would love to be a student ambassador again at any school where I am presented with the opportunity. I enjoyed the experience of meeting new people and talking about the school and the environment that I consider a second home.  

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Cleaned local church for one hour every weekend in the summer of 2021
25.0 hrs Service Hours

During the summer of 2021, the heat of the pandemic made it unsafe and nerve-racking to travel anywhere, due to the risk of exposure to COVID 19. This was especially apparent through local churches, as mass was streamed online, with no in-person participants. For some, this change was devastating as they weren't able to worship God in a safe environment. I decided to change this situation. As a member of a Holy Cross school, we must embody the charisms of Zeal, and hospitality, ensuring that everyone is welcomed safely into the home of God. Mt dad, brother, mom, and myself as well as many volunteers offered to clean the church every weekend for as long as we were needed, making the church a clean and safe place of worship. We wiped pews, cleaned door handles, bathrooms, and any surface that someone could come into contact with. Our church, St. Francis of Assisi, was able to re-open mass to the public with certainty that we could love and serve God in a safe environment.  

Are the service hours you completed COMPETENCE HOURS (learning about social justice issues) or COURAGE HOURS (direct or indirect service to others)?


Which Gilmour charism (Divine Providence, Forgiveness, Hope, Hospitality, Inclusiveness, Option for the Poor, The Cross, Zeal) did you best live out through your service experience? Please explain.

I feel that I lived out the charisms of Zeal and Hospitality, as I cleaned the church making it a safe and welcoming environment for worship. 

Would you try this service experience again? Why or why not?

Currently, my church isn't asking for assistance in cleaning the pews as a cleaning service has stepped in, but if this situation would ever arise again I would be more than happy to lend a helping hand. 

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John Paul Loeser (24) began work on Gilmour Academy's St. Br. André Service Program
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Gates Mills, OH

Gilmour Academy


3 programs