Betsy Tietjen approves Nicholas Hayslip (24)'s "Senior Reflection". Now complete!
Senior Reflection

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Senior Reflection
Senior Reflection

Service Program Capstone Reflection

Recalling the past four years of my experience at Gilmour Academy, there is no doubt in my mind that the drive and qualities of service, devotion, humility, and most importantly, love have all been cultivated in a noticeable and distinguished way. Service itself, if we let it, possesses the ability to transcend conventional and regional boundaries extending itself, and in turn us, to the will and aid of all those who desire or “need” it. By faith, we are not only called to aid others, to share in their burdens, and to offer a sense of comfort, security, and assistance, but through our efforts, we also uphold the values of compassion and kindness that are essential to our shared humanity. In essence, by embodying these given principles, we not only leave an unforgettable impact on the lives of those we serve, but also, at times, our own lives, cultivating the very notion of what it means to “serve.” In a practical sense, by serving others we serve ourselves and our shared desire to cultivate a better more hospitable world. 

Throughout my time at Gilmour, I was fortunate enough to experience this sense of service by participating in a series of different activities, trips, and experiences all in an effort to become a more engaged global citizen. Each experience of their own provided a valuable lesson on justice, empathy, and the growing desire to break down preconceived barriers to help those in need. One experience, for example, involved partaking in a beach cleanup alongside my football teammates in Bay Village during the summer. This experience gave me a direct view of what it means to exemplify the characteristics of charity. In essence, it brought forward a genuine sense of community and responsibility towards our environment. Additionally, looking at another specific event, I was able to serve as a student ambassador during Gilmour’s Open House event. This experience allowed me to not only serve incoming students but also embody the Holy Cross outcome of hospitality to a few families that I wouldn't have known otherwise. 

Finally, the experience that I believe had the most impact on my personal life, however, would have to be the 3-day Zoom session I completed during my sophomore year with NEOCH (The Northeast Ohio Coalition For the Homeless). Not only was I able to explore the ins and outs of a non-profit company such as NEOCH and the way they conduct themselves throughout Northeast Ohio, but through this experience, I was able to gain hands-on insight into some of the root causes of homelessness plaguing our local communities. In short, It opened my eyes to the harsh realities that at times fill our cities, yet it's through our best efforts, humility, and love of others within our society to, at the very least, attempt to cultivate a more just and loving society. 

By specifically living out Gilmour’s Charism of Divine Providence, my service experiences were able to demonstrate love and care for the community as well as, at times, our environment around us. Throughout my time at Gilmour, not only through my service experiences but through meeting people face-to-face, I was able to cultivate an inspired passion for justice and compassion for the vulnerable. My willingness to repeat these service experiences, and all the opportunities I was blessed to be a part of, embodies what Gilmour Academy's mission truly extends itself to be. 

By viewing the concept of our connected world more closely, and taking a look at my extracurriculars, my football teammates and I were able to help out beyond the confines of Figgie Field. As a common tradition, when new students move into the Gilmour Academy Dorms, our team is tasked with assisting them by helping as they move in. Not only do we move boxes towards what will be their future homes at GA, but by actively helping like this, my teammates as well as myself were able to actively demonstrate how we care about our community and made even the new students feel like they “Belong.” In truly recalling the past four years of my experience at Gilmour Academy, I am more than confident that the values of service, humility, and love have been instilled in me in an unforgettable way. Service, when we have the courage to partake in it, exceeds boundaries and connects us to those in need.

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After Martha Ligas approved Nicholas Hayslip's hours, "Service Hours" is complete.
Service Hours

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After Martha Ligas approved Nicholas Hayslip's hours, "Service Hours" is complete.
Service Hours

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After Martha Ligas approved Nicholas Hayslip's hours, "Service Hours" is complete.
Service Hours

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After Martha Ligas approved Nicholas Hayslip's hours, "Service Hours" is complete.
Service Hours

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After Martha Ligas approved Nicholas Hayslip's hours, "Service Hours" is complete.
Service Hours

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Participated In Cleaning up a beach in bay Village
2.0 hrs Service Hours

Throughout the course of two hours, my football teammates and I participated in cleaning up a beach located in Bay Village. Throughout this Service Day activity, I not only we not only grew closer as a team, but were able to help the Cleveland community in an active way, promoting a true sense of culture by actively taking action to better the things around me/us.

Are the service hours you completed COMPETENCE HOURS (learning about social justice issues) or COURAGE HOURS (direct or indirect service to others)?


Which Gilmour charism (Divine Providence, Forgiveness, Hope, Hospitality, Inclusiveness, Option for the Poor, The Cross, Zeal) did you best live out through your service experience? Please explain.

I believe that the Gilmour charism I had best lived out throughout my service experience was that of Divine Providence. Not only was I able to show the love I possess for the city of Cleveland by actively participating in a service day committed to cleaning up local communities/beaches, but I was able to grow and develop with my teammates, understanding how Christ possesses a deep love for the world at large, and those who live and inhabit it. 

Would you try this service experience again? Why or why not?

Yes, I would do this service experience again. Not only was I able to help my local community, but I was able to participate in an engaging activity that helped me become closer to my teammates/those around me. 

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After Martha Ligas approved Nicholas Hayslip's hours, "Service Hours" is complete.
Service Hours

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Being a student ambassador for the Open House
3.0 hrs Service Hours

I arrived at the performing arts center around 11:30 and waited with a number of other students to show around and give tours to families attending the open house. Throughout the tour I would talk about the different clubs and activities Gilmour has to offer as well as the academic goals the school wishes to have its students achieve throughout the time they are here. I ended the tour by heading to the Athletic Center and showing my tour group to the coaches/staff. 

Are the service hours you completed COMPETENCE HOURS (learning about social justice issues) or COURAGE HOURS (direct or indirect service to others)?


Which Gilmour charism (Divine Providence, Forgiveness, Hope, Hospitality, Inclusiveness, Option for the Poor, The Cross, Zeal) did you best live out through your service experience? Please explain.

I believe the charism I best lived out today had been hospitality. Throughout the open house, I not only tried to be a "gracious host," but to provide a welcoming community for the new students and their families, showing all the good and amazing qualities that Gilmour has to offer. 

Would you try this service experience again? Why or why not?

Yes, I would do this service experience again. This experience not only reminded me of the time I first attended a Gilmour Open House years ago but reminded me of the true reason I chose to come to Gilmour Academy, helping me to inspire others to attend here. 

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Helping out L.H.S. for the incoming class of 27'
2.0 hrs Service Hours

Throughout the course of 2 hours, I assisted Mr. DeCrane and others in welcoming the incoming freshman class. In addition to directing traffic, working with others, and supporting clubs such as Vector, I also assisted in setting up games and activities in the field house for the incoming students to partake in. 

Are the service hours you completed COMPETENCE HOURS (learning about social justice issues) or COURAGE HOURS (direct or indirect service to others)?


Which Gilmour charism (Divine Providence, Forgiveness, Hope, Hospitality, Inclusiveness, Option for the Poor, The Cross, Zeal) did you best live out through your service experience? Please explain.

I believe the Gilmour charism that I lived out the most during this experience was that of Hospitality. Not only did I extend Gilmour's openness and inclusivity through this experience, but I was able to explain what this school has to offer to others. 

Would you try this service experience again? Why or why not?

Yes, I would do this experience again. Not only was I able to show others the opportunities that Gilmour has to offer, but I was able to see face-to-face the future of the school and what these incoming students have to offer. 

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Participated as a pallbearer
3.5 hrs Service Hours

Throughout this experience, I along with roughly 7 other students met with Fr. John after convo to participate in a funeral ceremony held at Gilmour Academy. Not only did my group and I attend the mass with the family of the woman who passed away, but we were responsible for transporting the coffin from Gilmour Academy to Knollwood Cemetery Association, a short drive down the road. We offered prayers as well as our condolences for the family, and worked with Fr. John to provide a comforting and welcoming atmosphere.

Are the service hours you completed COMPETENCE HOURS (learning about social justice issues) or COURAGE HOURS (direct or indirect service to others)?


Which Gilmour charism (Divine Providence, Forgiveness, Hope, Hospitality, Inclusiveness, Option for the Poor, The Cross, Zeal) did you best live out through your service experience? Please explain.

The Gilmour charism I best lived out through this service experience was the charism of Hospitality. The reason I believe this charism proves more prominent than some of the others is due to the fact that my group and I were actually able to meet and talk with the suffering family. We provided them with a comforting and safe community to help them cope with the loss of a friend, mother, and wife. 

Would you try this service experience again? Why or why not?

In short, I would absolutely love to do this service experience again. Not only was I able to live out the corporal work of mercy, burying the dead, but I was able to connect with the family providing sympathy and support through their time of hardship. 

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Being a student ambassador for the Open House
2.0 hrs Service Hours

Over the course of 2 hours, I was able to provide a family with a tour of Gilmour Academy's campus as well as answer any questions they had regarding the school. 

Are the service hours you completed COMPETENCE HOURS (learning about social justice issues) or COURAGE HOURS (direct or indirect service to others)?


Which Gilmour charism (Divine Providence, Forgiveness, Hope, Hospitality, Inclusiveness, Option for the Poor, The Cross, Zeal) did you best live out through your service experience? Please explain.

Hospitality. Throughout this open house, I was able to show and explain what Gilmour has to offer and how the school can feel like a home away from home with a welcoming and friendly community. 

Would you try this service experience again? Why or why not?

Yes, I would do this service experience again. Not only was I able to provide a family interested in the school and what it has to offer, but I was able to describe and talk about my own personal experiences which led me to this high school. 

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Being a Student Leader for the 4th graders during their retreat
3.0 hrs Service Hours

Throughout the morning of January 24, I took part in assisting the 4th graders through their retreat in the chapel. Not only did we play games such as Jenga and do arts and crafts, but helped to further expand the belief of Christ within the minds of these children.  

Are the service hours you completed COMPETENCE HOURS (learning about social justice issues) or COURAGE HOURS (direct or indirect service to others)?


Which Gilmour charism (Divine Providence, Forgiveness, Hope, Hospitality, Inclusiveness, Option for the Poor, The Cross, Zeal) did you best live out through your service experience? Please explain.

I believe I best lived out the charism of zeal throughout this service experience for a number of reasons. For example, besides actively taking part in faith-based activities where the children would grow in their faith, we (the group leaders/teachers) made an effort to appeal to the younger minds what the word of Christ and the Church itself truly means. 

Would you try this service experience again? Why or why not?

Yes, I would do this service experience again because it not only taught me how to work with other children, but gave me an opportunity to help spread the word of Christ in young minds. 

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Help participate and coach throughout the "Baker Mayfield" camp
8.0 hrs Service Hours

Throughout the course of a day, many of my friends, teammates, and I signed up to assist in the Baker Mayfield football camp. Not only was it a great opportunity to experience, but I truly was able to help and assist in making the camp run smoothly and providing a great time for those attending it. Beginning the day I was tasked with helping direct those attending the camp to where they needed to sign in. After this was completed, my strength + conditioning coach "Coach Ross," had told some of my fellow volunteers and I that we should go on the field and assist in the group rotations which were going on. After this and being assigned to my main group with a fellow friend, we proceed to eat lunch and begin the process of setting up fields on which the kids of the camp were meant to play football on. With these games eventually wrapping up, my team had won our league's "Super Bowl," which not only was surprisingly fun to watch but fun to coach as well.  After a few more words from Baker Mayfield, a couple of games played by the counselors by the kids, and finally the award ceremony, the camp had been completed. With this, it was our job to help assist in cleaning up the field/surrounding area once all the other children had left. 

Are the service hours you completed COMPETENCE HOURS (learning about social justice issues) or COURAGE HOURS (direct or indirect service to others)?


Which Gilmour charism (Divine Providence, Forgiveness, Hope, Hospitality, Inclusiveness, Option for the Poor, The Cross, Zeal) did you best live out through your service experience? Please explain.

Throughout this experience, I believed the best lived-out Gilmour charism had been the charism of Inclusiveness. My fellow volunteers and I were not only tasked with the job of providing a welcoming place for all those who signed up for the camp but also a fun and encouraging one. Some of the kids who had signed up for this camp lived thousands of miles away with one of them traveling all the way from California to make it to this camp. Not only were we tasked with reflecting the image of the school, but we also had been tasked with providing a welcoming environment for children of different ages in their small groups.

Would you try this service experience again? Why or why not?

Yes, I would try this service experience again if given the opportunity. Not only was I provided with a truly fun and Interesting day with some of my friends/teammates, but was given the opportunity to reflect the image of the school in the best way possible for a great number of young kids looking to learn and have fun. (And of course, getting to see Baker Mayfield in person throughout the whole day). 

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After Martha Ligas approved Nicholas Hayslip's hours, "Service Hours" is complete.
Service Hours

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Move other people's boxes/items throughout the dorm building
1.0 hrs Service Hours

After a football practice on August 12, the entire team had gone over to the dorm building to move boxes, items, and other objects from room to room according to where they needed to be placed. Boxes were carried from one of the main areas of the dorm building into the specific dorm room they needed to be placed in. With this, things such as mini-refrigerators were helped placed within each dorm, and the covers for mattresses were helped zipped up as well. After completing all of these tasks, food such as pizza, salad, cookies, and even drinks like lemonade was provided to the team and I for our "Service."

Are the service hours you completed COMPETENCE HOURS (learning about social justice issues) or COURAGE HOURS (direct or indirect service to others)?


Which Gilmour charism (Divine Providence, Forgiveness, Hope, Hospitality, Inclusiveness, Option for the Poor, The Cross, Zeal) did you best live out through your service experience? Please explain.

I believe the best lived Gilmour charism throughout my service experience had been the charism of hospitality. With hospitality being defined as "The friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers," my team and I not only helped to assist in a service project but to help build a home for incoming or returning dorm students. Our service helped create a welcoming place that would make it easy for students to access their personal belongings in a potential "new," place, demonstrating the charism of hospitality as a Gilmour student and teammate. 

Would you try this service experience again? Why or why not?

Yes, I personally would take part in this service project again. This project brought my team together with a common goal of helping others and provided a welcoming home to incoming students who possibly could be living thousands of miles away. My team and I learned the hardships of preparing for such events like this and the work that is needed to be put in to host students such as this. 

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Helped clean up the A.C. Lunch tables/Chairs
1.0 hrs Service Hours

Over the course of an hour, my friends and I participated in stacking the chairs as well as the tables in the area of the A.C. lunchroom. 

Are the service hours you completed COMPETENCE HOURS (learning about social justice issues) or COURAGE HOURS (direct or indirect service to others)?


Which Gilmour charism (Divine Providence, Forgiveness, Hope, Hospitality, Inclusiveness, Option for the Poor, The Cross, Zeal) did you best live out through your service experience? Please explain.

Hospitality. Through this service experience, I was able to help set up the school for a certain event and create a welcoming environment for all those involved. With this, I was also able to help the cleaning workers with their job. 

Would you try this service experience again? Why or why not?

Personally, I would do this service experience again. Not only was I able to help in making my school a greater hospitable place, but I was able to help those who already work here as well.  

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Joined Glave with 53 hours
53.0 hrs Service Hours

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Nicholas Hayslip (24) began work on Gilmour Academy's St. Br. André Service Program