The walls of your school have no hold on you, explorer. You’re out there earning service hours as you make this world a better place. Your experiences will give all hope and bring fame and pride to your school. You, the shaper of worlds, may wield Glave to log your mighty deeds, get approval from program administrators, and share your epic adventure.
Behold Glave's Mighty Power
We present to you our solution to running experiential learning programs.
Set program goals, approve student log entries, track progress, notify mentors, and build a public portfolio.
Example School
Some students from Gilmour Academy have shared their project logs.
Team Glave
Gilmour Academy students and faculty that have tirelessly strove to bring the Glave program to its people. Students listed in the order they joined the project.
Robert Hayek
Database Architect
Charles Mendes
Junior Dev
Sebastian Williams
Senior Dev
Dominic Schiciano
Python Developer
Maddie Sammut
Junior Developer
Cedric Li
Junior Developer
Gabriel Souto
Junior Developer